A peace of advise

Hey girl, this is being written for future you so that you might want to refer to in the future.

No one knows what will happen in the future and all these posts might surprised you too!

Enjoy writing and reading! <3


  1. Hey girl, remember to be always, kind to yourself, love yourself more and more each and every single day.

  2. To have the ability to breathe and be alive, means that you have the ability to learn and to love :) Jiayou and don't give up!!

  3. Sleep early, rest more. Think a lot, plan more. Take one step at a time.

  4. Do not be worried to set off for adventures. The world is huge and you need to see more! To get hurt, to be healed, to be immersed with loneliness. You want to be able to accompany yourself until the end if your life. That is self-love.
