Thursday, 3 October 2024

11 || A many little things in life

It is not.

It is not that I could not sleep.

For I am already in bed.

For I am already in my pyjamas.

It is just.

It is just I am having too many thoughts running in my mind.

About people about me about things in life.

Tangible and intangible.

Maybe I should just put down my phone and get some sleep tonight.

For I am sick enough to stop thinking about everything in my life.

Thank you, West Ryde, you have been amazing!

Friday, 24 May 2024

10 || Follow your heart



Tuesday, 23 April 2024

9 || Yellow

Some kind of feeling.
Like being hit by a ray of yellow light.
Bright, shallow, but warm enough to wrap me up.

I closed my eyes.
I opened up my arms.
I took my first step.
I dance away.
I twisted and turned and stopped at the end note.

Feeling the warmth.
Feeling myself.
Feeling you.

You, you heat up my heart.
It is you, you make me feel alive.
You make me feel that it is great to feel alive.

I want to record this feeling down.
The feeling of, turning on the heat lamp in the shower.
It was all yellow.

Sunday, 31 March 2024

8 || Run away

I do not know.
It is just some kind of feeling inside.

Like I am trapped.
Trapped in a place where I do not know what I should do to get out of it.

Where to run to.
What to do.
Who to look for.

How am I getting out of all these?

Stop thinking and get some rest.
It feels like I am invited to this.
Hey, it is okay to stop.
It is okay to rest sometimes.
It is okay to not feel so restless sometimes.

There will always be light at the end of the tunnel.
So chill and relax, okay?

Monday, 18 March 2024

7 || It feels like

It feels like something.
Some kind of emotion.
Is about to burst.
Burst out of my body.

I just feel like dancing.
Dance like there is no one else.

Thursday, 15 February 2024

6 || A needed closure

In that dream, I cried so hard.
So hard until those acquaintances look so awkward like they never expect me to cry.
I guess my main story line will be the same, it is just I chose which path to reach there.
I still miss Aoteora, in a sad way.
Which makes me think that maybe, I need to do something about it if I can.
I am not sure how will the plan of a trip to south island will unfold. 
I just hope that no matter this trip is going to be the closure when the time is right, I am able to smile every time when I'm reminiscing my time there.

The lack of water element in the star map indicates someone without their own style while expressing themselves.

That solves the puzzle of I am, mostly emotional absent.
But that's another riddle to find out I guess.
I will find my way, anyhow.

Hope to see you again, Aoteora.

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

5 || Scripting

I know what and when I want to do something.
I have the ability to do and know what I wanted to do.
I believe in myself.
I don't doubt and I never.
I can do it.

I used to love blue skies just by themselves, but recently I found out that they look better with other colour contrasting the blue, blue sky.

Like green. 💚

Thursday, 8 February 2024

4 || Expressing gratitude.




Saturday, 3 February 2024

3 || Missed the station to get off

It is the first time ever, it took me longer to reach home.
I took trains several times a week, but this is the first time I missed my station.
I was late for my tennis class already but still, I really did not notice anything when the train stopped at the station I should get off.
Feeling worried, heart pumping super fast, I stepped out of the train.

"Everything happens for a reason." I told myself so.

When I lifted up my head and look at the sky after I exited the train station, I smiled.
I smiled, from my liver to my face.

My keeper wants me to miss my train station and reach the station at this timing with the thought of wanting me to see this.

The golden 30 seconds of the day.
I almost cried inside of me because of feeling touched that how my keeper did when it wants to show me something.

But actually, I already got the hint that morning when I'm on my way to work. It is just, I didn't really see it until I saw the golden 30 seconds.

Thank you keeper, thank you for everything.
Thank you for welcoming me to be connected with you through Kinaki.
Thank you for inviting me and Kinaki into your house and have a close chat together.

Thank you for always showing me tje right direction and assuring me the path I am walking is right.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. ❤️

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

2 || 好想哭



Tuesday, 9 January 2024

1 || 2023 Recap

今天在把kobo app删掉之前重新读了一遍才发现唐老师真的是预言家。

嗯,回顾2023,我很庆幸自己已经成功突破枷锁,接下来就朝着自由、不受捆绑的方式前进,迎接水瓶时代吧 xD